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Deland Social Security Administration Office

Disability Office
Deland, FL
Contact Information

1629 S Adelle Ave
Deland, FL - 32720

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About Deland Social Security Administration Office

To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, you must:
A. Have worked in jobs covered by Social Security.
B. Have a medical condition that meets Social Security's strict definition of disability.

SSI Program:
The SSI provides a minimum base level of financial assistance to seniors and persons with disabilities (regardless of age) with very limited income and resources.

The federal SSI benefits of the Social Security Administration are often supplemented by state programs.

SSDI Program:
SSDI supports persons who are disabled and have an eligible work history, either through their own employment or through a family member (spouse/parent).

Steps to Qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits

Types of Disability Benefits you can receive from the Social Security Administration:
1. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for insured workers, their disabled surviving spouses, and children (disabled before age 22) of disabled, retired, or deceased workers.
2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for people with little or no income and resources.

How To Apply ONLINE for Disability Benefits with Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
(All information can be found on:

1. Create a my Social Security Account. You will need to log in to your existing my Social Security account or create an acccount. The directions are self explanatory.
2. File for benefits online. You will need to list your medical conditions:
Doctor, Healthcare, Clinic and/or Hospital Information.
Provide: Names, addresses, phone numbers, patient ID numbers, and dates of examinations and treatments
Provide: Names and dates of medical tests you have had and who sent you for them
Provide Names of medications (prescriptions and non-prescriptions), reason for medication, and who prescribed them

Information About Other Medical Records
Vocational rehabilitation services, workers compensation, public welfare, prison/jail, an attorney, or another place

Job History
Date your medical condition began to affect your ability to work.
Type of jobs (up to 5) that you had in the 15 years before you became unable to work because of your condition.
Type of duties you did on the longest job you have worked.

Education and Training
Highest grade in school completed (date), and any special education (school name, city, and state).
Name of special job training, trade school, or vocational school and date completed.

Documents Needed to Apply:
Birth certificate or other proof of birth;
Proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status if you were not born in the United State;
U.S. military discharge paper(s) if you had military service before 1968;
W-2 forms(s) and/or self employment tax returns for last year;
Medical evidence already in your possession. This includes medical records, doctors' reports, and recent test results; and
Award letters, pay stubs, settlement agreements or other proof of any temporary or permanent workers' compensation-type benefits you received.

If you do not want to apply online, you can make an appointment with this office to fill out a disability application
This process will have a Social Security representative interview you and complete the application for disability
benefits and an Adult Disability Report.

This process should take about 1 hour.

Social Security has a very strict definition of disability. To be found disabled:
You must be unable to do any substantial work because of your medical condition(s);
Your medical condition(s) must have lasted, or be expected to last, at least 1 year, or be expected to result in your death

You cannot get disability benefits solely because your doctor says you are disabled.

How long does this process take to be considered disabled through the Social Security Office?
Decisions are generally made within 3 to 5 months.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Apply for SSI or SSDI Benefits?
You do not need a lawyer to apply for SSI or SSDI, but studies have shown that it does increase your chances of getting approved for disability.

This office can provide you with a list of local legal representation to assist you in your disability case. You can also search online to find an area laywer. There is no fee to call and ask for details on how they can assist you with your case.

How much do lawyers charge to assist you in your SSI, SSDI Disability Benefits case?
Generally SSI, SSDI lawyers would charge approximately 25% of the SSDI back pay that you are requesting. There are also generally contractual limitations of around $5,000. This is up to you to negotiate these prices.

Office hours:
monday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
tuesday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
wednesday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

the deland social security administration office is 2 blocks west of the corner of hwy 15a (spring garden) and 17/92 (woodland blvd) on adelle ave.

We can handle your needs online or by phone, but if you need to visit our office, the best time to do so is Tuesday and Friday.

Hours of Operation:

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